The Third of a series of taught paddles

Beautiful weather and an ebbing tide should have meant an excellent teaching opportunity. Unfortunately, both club members contacted me early cancelling their session. Should I have gone out without teaching, well yes and I did. This was a day where I could practice those paddle strokes and techniques that i don’t have time to do whilst teaching others. Low tide must mean practising poling, something not used in a kayak. For several hours I reminded myself how much … Read more

Second Coached Session for Club Members

Another coaching session based around Chiswick Pier. Aim: to improve two distantly different skill level students whose experience of paddling is extensive, but technique needed some practice. Over time habits become ingrained and become the normal. Unlearning skills gained becomes frustrating, but quite possible with patience. Students: Federico (kayak) and Mary Jo (canoe) Coach: Steve Water conditions: Low water on a flooding tide. Firstly teaching a mixed skill and mixed vessel course is challenging, but … Read more

First Teaching Session with CPCC

Our First Club Session back on the Water. Session Coach Steve On the water Coach Elaine Participates: Club paddlers Eva and Peter Conditions on the day: Ebb tide with visible land opposite the pontoon. Weather: Warm and Sunny. The session started with a discussion of paddle type and length. Boat number recorded in the club log book (so anyone would know what had be used on a previous session) and we were good to go. … Read more

Another fine day on the river – little did we know Lock down 2 was just around the corner.

A Sunday morning with very few club members in slightly challenging conditions. It was our last opportunity to paddle pre lockdown. We set out in a pod of four. The pod was led by coach Elaine and Steve with Liz and a new club member Polly. Coach Elaine launched each of us at almost low water. We had previously discussed a basic strategy for the session. We would paddle a little way upstream before turning … Read more

Training day

We had a pretty bad forecast for our paddle to Teddington but a great team of highly motivated sea kayakers. We had to work pretty hard through strong winds and heavy rain… …Character building, team building, paddling and manoeuvring through wind and rain… testing gear and hats… On our way back to Chiswick: Dark, gloomy and still very stormy… But the sun came through and bits of blue sky. Thames prettiness… ….and a last beautiful … Read more

It’s always great when a plan comes together.

As per usual, not only did the weather play ball so did the river. So this week’s plan was to take out one of my fabulous four (those that attended coach Elaine’s and Steve’s) beginners kayak course a couple of weeks ago out for their longer trip session, which is part of the course. Unfortunately Coach Elaine was on other duties with the club and it was up to Coach Steve to finish off the … Read more


Kayak Paddle with Colin and Federico 11-5.45. Return trip from Chiswick Pier to Chelsea Bridge. The majestic Hammersmith Bridge when it worked!! Like all of us I was tired of waiting for Hammersmith & Fulham council to sort out their tug of war with the government, trying to hold them to ransom and foot the hefty bill of between £141 million (if repairs would be done in 3 years) or £163million (for a quick 12 … Read more

18th October Sunday paddle

Given the tide was ebbing until ~12.30 our original plan was to go to Hammersmith bridge and return with the tide. However we were warned of a sculling race that would be starting at Hammersmith at 2pm so, fearing there may be lots of folk at the pubs by Hammersmith, we changed plan to aim for the Black Lion Pub in Chiswick instead as it has a large outdoor area. David Cleverly and I teamed … Read more

CPCC visits the Queen

All my plans to do any meaningful trips out at sea this week were blown away by the weather. Again! Well it’s autumn.  We had to get creative! Windsor Castle Jules, Heather, Carlos & Michelle Luckily our man in Marlow came up with another fantastic plan. A trip from Maidenhead to Windsor castle and a pub visit – cos’ the Queen wasn’t home. The voyage to Windsor was nice and easy. Reflections, autumn colours and even the … Read more