Membership & Tasters

We run two-day Taster Sessions to help you decide whether canoeing or kayaking is for you. Email to add your name to the waiting list, including any previous canoe/kayak experience. Those with qualifications or equivalent experience may be invited to join our regular Sunday member session as a taster.

Everyone on our waiting list is invited to attend a Wednesday evening pool session to practice capsize and rescue before venturing on to the Thames. Email to book.

On completion of your taster you can fill in a membership form and make a bank transfer using the banking details on the form. Forms are also available at Chiswick Pier on Sundays.

For membership renewals by bank transfer please use ‘Mship plus your surname’ as the reference. A new membership form is required if any of your details have changed.

Our membership year runs from 1st June to 31st May annually and we paddle year round (subject to conditions being safe). We offer two types of membership:

Unlimited Sunday Paddle Membership:
This membership includes your joining fee and all led paddles on the Thames on Sunday or during the week. It does not include training or paddles at other locations. This membership is best suited to most people.

Pay As You Go Membership:
With our pay as you go membership you pay an annual membership fee and then a fee for each paddle in which you participate. This membership is designed to suit those who only want to join us for an occasional paddle.

We offer concession rates to the following groups:

  • People under the age of 18 years old.
  • Students in full-time education.
  • People who are unemployed.
  • People who are over the age of 65 years old.

We also offer a 50% reduction in the membership rate for anyone joining after 31st November.

Current Rates

Taster Session (each session)£25£18
Unlimited Sunday Paddle Membership£120£80
Pay As You Go Membership Fee£40£30
Paddle Session Charge (Pay As You Go)£10£7.50
Ad-Hoc training and trips at other locations (for members)PoA
Pool Session – Members Only£12N/A
Independent Paddles – Boat & Kit Hire away from the Thames£15Per Week (1-7 days)
Independent Paddles – Kit Hire Only (no boat) away from the Thames£10Per Week (1-7 days)
Club Policies

Please review the club risk assessment, code of conduct and safeguarding policy that cover club activities in the pool and on the river. They include both coach and member responsibilities.

For details of other policies and procedures email or ask a coach.

Independent Paddlers

Members who have the appropriate skills and training can become CPCC Independent Paddlers which allows them to hire and use club equipment to go paddling without a coach, in groups of two or more. The following is a summary of the requirements (please talk to a coach or committee member for full details):

  • Hold a Paddle UK Paddle Explore or Two Star qualification (our lead coach may approve alternative equivalent qualifications).
  • Have completed a Foundation Rescue and Safety Training course (FRST) or the new Paddlesport Leader training.
  • Have completed a Thames Specific Knowledge (TSK) course with CPCC, or an approved alternative, and have demonstrated experience of putting this into practice.
  • Be a member of Paddle UK for insurance purposes.
  • Final approval for new independent paddlers will be agreed by the committee with referral to the coaches.