What Were We Doing A Year Ago?

Working on last week’s theme of what was the club doing a year ago? Well below is the newsletter for the 24 April 2019. Just to remind you what we were doing and what fun it was. This report was written by our very own Colm.Currently Colm is working in Ireland Setting off a few hours late due to river races, we were able to sleep off the worst of the time change to British … Read more

Lockdown Activities

Greeting and salutations paddling people. Its week three of our lockout and I really hope you are doing well. It was nice to hear from several of our club members and colleagues have been to check on out little fleet, still locked away awaiting use. Well done John, Sarah and Julius for your effort, apologies if I have missed anyone. There isn’t much specific kayaking news for you this week whilst we are still on … Read more

A Past Paddle Review (28 March 2019)

Another week of not paddling and another conundrum was what to add in this week’s newsletter with no paddling stories to share. Easy-peasy, I wonder what our paddle was like on this date last year ….! Nice plan, the nearest date that I could find was 28 March 2019. Doesn’t time fly: Bank Holiday and sunny weather, that didn’t seem right as it usually rains, but as it happens the stars aligned and it was … Read more