Lockdown Activities

Greeting and salutations paddling people. Its week three of our lockout and I really hope you are doing well.

It was nice to hear from several of our club members and colleagues have been to check on out little fleet, still locked away awaiting use. Well done John, Sarah and Julius for your effort, apologies if I have missed anyone.

There isn’t much specific kayaking news for you this week whilst we are still on lockdown. You’ll remember from last week’s blog that the Pier House is locked, so no access until we are freed from lockdown.With the lock down comes an opportunity to view all those kayaking and canoe films you promised yourself you would watch but never had the time. So for those who need to vicariously paddle then British Canoeing have put together a list of forty five paddling films  to watch. Click Here for the list

One of the tricky things is maintaining our fitness for when we get back to the water.

I know several of our club members are already exercising keeping both the cardio fitness as well as strength and stamina. This looks like a fun way of keeping kayaking/canoeing fit? Click here

On a personal note, when the dreaded Virus was announced I pulled an old exercise bike from the garden shed. That I thought would at least keep my fitness on track as my local gym was officially closed. Worked well for a couple of weeks 20 Km a day lovely just a warm up, you understand. Last week I think the shock of its use was too much and it broke!! No worries I’ll up my digging holes in the garden or weeding as its sometimes called. Unfortunately I am now running out of garden. Good job those weeds keep growing!

Might have to start on my neighbours garden!

Talking of neighbours why not give someone you haven’t spoken to a call. As they say its good to talk.

Stay safe and stay healthy in these most trying of times.

Best wishes
