A Kayak Tester Session Saturday and An open Canoe training Session on Sunday

A very brief review of CPCC’s Taster Training Session with Andy Course Leader and Tudor and myself (Steve). Six people were signed up for the course and on Saturday they each arrived at the pier house some more apprehensive than others. but all willing to give this kayaking malarkey a try. We all gathered outside the pierhouse and chatted about what experience our attendees had. We were very pleased to hear the several had paddled … Read more

You can’t beat Fish and Chips on the foreshore at Richmond.

A simple Sunday paddle with Hammersmith Bridge closed indefinitely, our only option is to paddle in the Richmond direction. So looking forwards to some tough paddles in that direction for the future. It was a flood tide as we got on the water, so a float and boat Sunday. Our pod of two MJ and myself bobbled into the middle of the river, leaving a suitably large gap such as the rowers could approach and … Read more

A Canoe Teaching Session on a low tide at Chiswick Pier

The lesson plan was to teach poling, however when the flow is right as it was on this day then a quick practice of S turns on the wave. We followed this up with canoe poling and then how to sharpen our turns. It was then a quite paddle and a bit of larking about and then a sail back to the pontoon. With a low tide at the get on for the club’s Sunday … Read more

Two Kingfishers and a New river to explore!

Another Lovely day on the river Thames. Whilst the club went in the direction of Putney Julius and I headed in the opposite direction with goal of reaching Richmond. An easy paddle out with the tide, so were paddling towards the Surrey Bank to keep out of the way of the Rowers. We very quickly made Chiswick Bridge and recrossed to the Middlesex side. In passing under Chiswick Bridge we had a nice conversation with … Read more

A Tidy, a Float, an explore and finally the tough Bit, Paddling back against the tide.

Sunshine and a welcoming tide well who could resist. Two intrepid coaches and with our our Mr Fix it, we three headed out for a midweek gentle paddle on a very calm ebb tide River Thames. We had one sea kayak, one day cruiser and one canoe. Yes, I was in the club’s Novacraft again. Now I know what you are thinking how can a canoe the slowest boat keep pace with the fastest a … Read more

What a Great Day to Paddle the Mighty River Thames

Sunday paddle with CPCC was another epic affair. Having lead and coached for such a long time, my colleagues and fellow coaches are sharing the load and allowing me the opportunity to paddle as I wish. This week’s paddle was into the ebbing tide from Chiswick Pier in the direction of Kew Bridge. An easy paddle in variable conditions, rain sunshine and occasionally a degree of wind. Oh! Forgot to mention at one point lack of … Read more

Tales from an Unexpected Journey

During the week or more likely last thing, the procedure from the club is the coaches who have made themselves available are issued with their paddling groups. This Sunday was no exception, however with the particular tide forecast for this specific Sunday it was a high tide paddle I had advised one of my group that it would be a tough paddle and not suitable for someone of their skills level. Harsh maybe, but safety … Read more

Last Week’s Paddle was to Kew

Another Sunday where although fewer club members than the previous week, despite the sun shining and the water level being low. We thus did have sufficient coach cover to take all those that pre booked out on to the river as it was a very low tide which made for an easy paddle towards Kew. Before I write about what we got up to its a welcome back to Coach Elaine who has been self … Read more

CPCC And The Fifteenth Week Of The Lockdown

We are now in our fifteenth week of lock down and we are still trying to find ways of getting back out on the water to paddle. This is more to let you know we are still experimenting with coach and a couple club member’s paddles. These have thrown up various issues, but we are coming to terms with how to we can over come them and still operate. We are now able to take even more club members out provided … Read more

CPCC And The Fourteenth Week Of The Lockdown

Greetings Fellow CPCC club members and guests. We are now in out fourteenth week of lock down and we are still trying to find ways of getting back out on the water to paddle. This is more to let you know we are still experimenting with coach and a couple club member’s paddles. These have thrown up various issues, but we are coming to terms with how to we can over come them and still operate. We are now … Read more