Another fine day on the river – little did we know Lock down 2 was just around the corner.

A Sunday morning with very few club members in slightly challenging conditions. It was our last opportunity to paddle pre lockdown. We set out in a pod of four. The pod was led by coach Elaine and Steve with Liz and a new club member Polly. Coach Elaine launched each of us at almost low water. We had previously discussed a basic strategy for the session. We would paddle a little way upstream before turning … Read more

It’s always great when a plan comes together.

As per usual, not only did the weather play ball so did the river. So this week’s plan was to take out one of my fabulous four (those that attended coach Elaine’s and Steve’s) beginners kayak course a couple of weeks ago out for their longer trip session, which is part of the course. Unfortunately Coach Elaine was on other duties with the club and it was up to Coach Steve to finish off the … Read more

Gorgeous weather to be paddling the River Thames

What might have been a complicated paddle turned out to be easy. A complicated paddle only because of the time of low water and the fact it was a high water paddle (over 6.0 m). Initially it was a paddle to Hammersmith Bridge as I wanted to see what they were doing to the bridge. There was talk of abseiling off the bridge to create supports for a replacement foot bridge, whether that was true … Read more

A little trip to Richmond and back.

This is what I call a pyjama paddle, suffice it to say it was an early start for me. During the week Coach Elaine and I spoke about the necessary timings for the day. Coach Elaine put together a comprehensive map of our route and timings to reach various points on our route. Both Coach’s Elaine and Steve were concerned about clearing the head of the river rowing race before they started. This required our … Read more

The fantastic four make huge progress. Their first time on the water! A beginners paddle.

In rather unpleasant weather and river conditions four complete beginners attended Coach’s Steve and Elaine’s beginners paddling course. The original plan was based around a low tide occurring during the session. On the day the tidal conditions were changed by The Thames barrier being closed. This resulted in the river water level rising and falling, but the tidal flow remain in one direction, an ebb tide. These weren’t ideal conditions to teach in, nor for … Read more

What looked like a tough paddle turned out to be a great training day!

Another early start at Chiswick Pier Canoe Club, meant one group with Martin lead coach another with Sarah D as lead coach left the pontoon at some ghastly time of the morning. By the time I had arrived there were only two groups left, Coach Andy and Coach Dean took one group, leaving the last group to be coached by both Elaine & Steve. Whilst all the other groups headed towards Chiswick Bridge, we in Elaine’s group took … Read more

Canoe Sailing Lesson- with Coach Steve

It’s late September and still lovely and warm for an autumnal paddle with CPCC So a typical Sunday morning with coaches arriving to take our lovely paddlers out on to the water. There were three groups Coach Leon led the first kayak group with Coach Dean in a canoe as backup. The second group of kayakers was led by Coach Michelle with back up from Liz. The third group was led by Coach Steve, the … Read more

It’s amazing what a difference a week makes!

Another week’s teaching open boating for me, whilst the club ran two Sunday sessions. Our Sunday sessions were led by Coach Leon group one and Coach Dean group two. There was a beginners group which went out at about two o clock with our beginners and first timers. These guys were led by Coach’s Sarah and Michelle with youthful backup from Julius. Sunday and a high tide at approx 11:30am not the best time to … Read more

Ode to a J Stroke or another open boating session by Coach Steve

I had been told I was teaching two people to paddle a canoe, however there was a problem. I had a need of four canoes and the FSRT people needed another two and the club only had five. Solution stall the start time of MJ one of my open boat paddlers and handily one of the students needed to leave early. In the end it all worked out and we had enough kit for everyone to enjoy … Read more

This week’s conundrum ‘would you mind running an open boating session’?

My Fellow coach Young Michelle contact me during the week and asked the question could we? Well of course we could, but not without the help of Young Julius and his Mr Fix it skills. Happily Julius was able to help and fit a kneeling thwart into the forth of our open boats, so we can now teach two students. Thanks Julius as that was the exact number I was asked to teach. Next issue … Read more