Night Paddles

(Paddle & pint)

18th, 19th & 20th of May 2021

with Judy, Rebecca, Glen, James, Dee & Siobhan

Super enthusiastic & strong participants: Distance records, first time night paddlers, first time paddling in strong winds…

Nautical manoeuvres in the dark.

Still a bit cold… a bit of rain… a bit of wind.
The Ship
James: Into darkness.
About to rain…
Dee & Judy
Golden hour
Not radiant
Glen & Rebecca, who had to face proper strong winds

Of course the real experience starts after sundown when darkness sets in and the birds settle down. After leaving the pub and embarking on the journey back to the pier the river is completely empty and pretty much ours to enjoy. 

Calm and silent, lights and reflections – bliss.

1 thought on “Night Paddles”

  1. Excellent evening and thanks for the coaching.
    Looking forward to the next one.

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