In early December we were lucky to once again hold our annual club Christmas meal, and the celebration was a great success. Starting with a paddle for the hardy members amongst us, a festive crew headed towards Hammersmith to spread a little cheer in their santa hats.

It was then on to the George & Devonshire where the staff had decorated the room with Christmas decorations and crackers galore, and we tucked into seasonal food and drink. And even some non-seasonal drink too.

Apart from the banter, the highlight of the evening was the lucky dip. Every club member received a kayaking related present and the selection was truly top-notch. We were a very happy bunch by the end of the day. Massive thanks to Andrew for organising the presents and to Sarah for planning and coordinating the day.
It’s been a great year of paddling and we look forward to more in 2022. We wish a very Merry Christmas to all our club members and coaches. Stay safe, and see you in the new year.
Thanks Michelle – have a great Christmas!