Baby steps back to Sunday club paddles

Following on from changes in Government and British Canoeing advice the coaches have agreed revisions to our new risk assessment policy so that we can take a few more members out on the river.  So if you have not renewed your membership now is the time to do so.

From this Sunday we will start a pre-booking system for experienced current club members to come out for a paddle, taking groups out on a staggered basis from 10:30.  Numbers will be limited as most coaches are only going to take a couple of members out as we “test and learn” and obviously not all coaches are available. 

If you would like to paddle this weekend email the, if you have not paddled with one of the club coaches in the last month please remind us of your experience and I will get back to you by 7pm Saturday to let you know if you got a slot.  If you did not I will either out you at the top of the list for the following Sunday or, if the coaches feel we need a little more practice before we can take you out, let you know when to get back in touch.

We take you out on the understanding that:

1. You Remain responsible for protecting yourself and other from COVID (please ask if you uncertain about anything)

2. You bring your own hand sanitiser.

3. Where possible you bring your own kit

4. Where you use club kit you wash it afterwards (we have water on site)

5. You are not able to store bags in the garage whilst on the river

6. There are no loo stops on the river (but the trust loos will be re-opened to us shortly)

7. You follow social distancing and directions of the coaches who have worked out a system to stagger people collecting kit, and differentiating used from unused kit

We remain super keen to ge you all back on the river, and already have dreams of showing you all just how amazing the river is right now.
Martin is taking a few people out during the week sea kayaking so do reply to his separate message on this, the first picture look amazing. 
