It is with huge sadness we pass on the news that Dean, our much loved coach and friend, has died after a very short illness.
Most of you will have paddled with Dean, or seen him paddling his canoe We-no-nah up and down the Thames over the last 10 years or so. He used the river as a space to think, to breathe, to be alone and to come together with friends.

Dean was our very own ‘Ray Mears’ – his kit bag contained everything you’d need to survive in the wild, or at least on the foreshore, for several days – and he was also our chief barbecue officer, his boat laden with food for excursions further afield.

He supported Chiswick Pier Canoe Club in many ways, from being Chairperson to maintaining the kit. He taught many people how to canoe and was the life and soul of our Xmas parties, often donating bottles of port to keep the party going.
We will miss him greatly.

I’ve just seen the news about Dean and can’t believe it.
Dean! In the brief time I knew you, you always struck me as invincible.
And although I knew you briefly, we had some great chats that I’ll always remember – about your army days, about the North East, about France, about kids – and, of course, also about canoeing.
Rest In Peace, Dean.
My sincere condolences go out to your family.
Ah, sad news. Unexpected too on my part as he still looked pretty rigorous when I last saw him a couple of months ago. I didn’t know him that well but realise he was such a loyal mainstay for the club. My condolences to all those affected.
RIP, Dean.