We are now in our fifteenth week of lock down and we are still trying to find ways of getting back out on the water to paddle.
This is more to let you know we are still experimenting with coach and a couple club member’s paddles. These have thrown up various issues, but we are coming to terms with how to we can over come them and still operate. We are now able to take even more club members out provided we keep 1 m apart (preferably 2m) where possible. It is progress and we try to remain positive.
The pier house toilets remain open for club use, however you need to bring your own toiletries.
For you lucky club members our Chair person Sarah has been sending invitations to come paddle on a Sunday. The setup is different as we have to control the buoyancy aids, paddles and boats such that they aren’t reused within 72hrs (the virus longevity).
Last Week’s paddle was Putney bound. Another Sunday where we had quite a few club members returning. It was nice to see so many faces.
For coach Steve’s little group of three although it was great to meet, it was bad news for them as I had to inform them it wasn’t going to be a paddling day for them.
Let me explain, each of our coaches are qualified to operate within certain parameters. These are laid out by our governing body British Canoeing and they dictate the conditions that our coaches are covered to operate within and are thus covered by the British Law. I knew that on observing the conditions on the day that it was outside my remit as a Level 2 coach to take people out.
I also knew that within my party I would knowingly be putting them at risk beyond my remit. I thus declined to paddle.
I only explain this, so that you my lovely readers can appreciate the responsibility that we as coaches take on. Being the highest qualified coach within the club, I also had to advise my fellow coaches of their level of responsibility and culpability in these circumstances.
Could I have paddled in the conditions obviously yes, but this misses the point. Could the people I was allocated………now that was the question.
Enough said, it was a real pity not to paddle especially as I saw my friends and colleagues having a great time out on the water.
Hopefully there will be tales of daring do to follow:-
Think positively, things are improving.
Best wishes and keep safe and well

Safi is obviously hiding behind Liz’s paddle