The Thames is a fantastic spring board to do training, trips, planning, checking ideas, equipment and group dynamics. We always aimed to test our skills at sea – with a little wind, a few waves, sun and salt.
After studying weather and sea state, we called it a ‘rough water handling session’ and went to Lulworth Cove where the sea was rough, the wind blowy and the water salty.
Unfortunately, my sea co-workers consisting of Jules, Heather, Michelle and Carlos were a little bit of a disappointment: They didn’t take the session very serious and kept smiling and laughing… Constantly.

Michelle, laughing

Rough Sea Sunday – serious weather for a serious session

Jules, also laughing

Heather – taking off… having a laugh

Another flying kayak – I think it’s Jules, probably laughing


Jules at Durdle Door

Heading back home

Carlos & Jules

Silver Foam

Lulworth Cove

Lunch break at Durdle Door

15.3 km or 8.3 nautical miles
It was a wonderful session and a great day. We had so much fun and all learned from each other. Of course we had to finish with a lovely drink and chat after our trip.
The sea was absolutely stunning that day.
Massive thanks to my co-workers: Jules, Michelle (thanks for additional pictures), Heather and Carlos.
‘Twas a brilliant day. Camping sounds like a most excellent plan!
Looks brilliant what about a weekend camp and paddle trip!