CPCC And The Thirteenth Week Of The Lockdown

Greetings Fellow CPCC club members and guests.

This week’s newsletter follows quickly on from the previous week’s newsletter – sent 24 June 2020.

We are now in out thirteenth week of lock down and we are still trying to find ways of getting back out on the water to paddle.

As you already know we have been experimenting with coach and a club member paddles. These have thrown up various issues, but we are coming to terms with how to we can over come them and still operate.

We are now able to take a few more club members out than the previous restrictions allowed.

It is progress and we try to remain positive.

As of last week the toilets are now open for club use, however you need to bring your own toiletries.

For you lucky club members our Chair person Sarah Deeks has been sending invitations to come paddle on a Sunday. The setup is different as we have to control the buoyancy aids, paddles and boats such that they aren’t reused with 72hrs (the virus longevity). We are currently working one coach to two club members sometimes fewer, dependent on the number of club members who have pre booked. 

We have had to change our ‘turn up and paddle policy’ so effectively its invite only. Sarah is scheduling departures, to minimize possible contact time on the pontoon. To reiterate it is ‘no longer turn up’ and you can join the club Sunday paddle. It is for Club members to contact Sarah to allocate them their paddling slot. 

We cannot accept Guests at this time – sorry we really would like to, but the limitations caused by the virus means we simply cannot at this time.

Hope to see you on the water soon.


Social Distancing And Paddling from our Chairperson

If you are invited to paddle, Sarah Deeks has put a template in the garage

We want anyone using a club boat to fill this in.

– it simply says which boat you took out so that we can be certain no one else has paddled the same boat in the last 72 hours. 

When it comes to any club kit please put used kit buoyancy aids, fresh are on the upper rack and previously used are on the lower rack, that way we will all be using different kit. 

When it comes to paddles I would suggest a wash down to be super safe.
I will be emailing our independent paddles to let them know it is possible to go out.

Access key holders are Sarah and Dean.

A New theme to amuse you, based on the theme of where is Wally….!

Do you recognise this bridge? Again no takers for last week’s picture, so an even easier one for this week.

Photo by I think John or Elaine – apologies if it was from one of our other central London paddlers

Last Weeks paddle (Sunday 21 June the longest day) was another jolly affair.
A simple paddle to Putney and back, well simple for you but complicated for me! Unusually I was first down and was teamed with Victor whom Sarah informed me had an interest in paddling a canoe.

First to the pontoon, but still had to unlock all the kayaks and then lower a canoe to the launch pontoon which I could not have done without the help of Harvey and Coach Dean.

So, canoe selected, Victor loaded into a Sierra, he is a tall guy and away we go. Well we would have gone to Richmond, but Victor had to get back before dark, so Putney it was.

A very straight forwards paddle in fact Victor and I chatted all the way there to Putney Bridge. Just passed Hammersmith Bridge several kayaks from the club passed us by including Dean in his super fast canoe. As others have pointed out to me my canoe would be a lot quicker if I didn’t carry so much kit. I always reply its safety kit and when you need it, you will be very happy that I carry it.

I suspect the only part of the outward leg of interest was crossing the river before passing under Putney Bridge. I explained a strategy of angling the boat and maximizing the shelter from the now flooding tide. The concept of ferry gliding would have been too much on a first paddle. There wasn’t a great deal of flow, but the knowledge may prove useful on a more aggressive tide.

Passing under Putney we paddled on and joined our club on the foreshore. Coaches, Sarah D, Dean and David Cl were looking after the main paddling group. (hope I have all the coaches) Plus for paddlers we has Liz, Julie, Kiki, Harvey and I am sure there were more, but old age and a lack of memory means I again apologies to those I have left off.

As there was nothing open at Putney the group simply either got out there boats and wandered around a bit or simply stayed put waiting for the return trip.

There was a surprise for Victor on the return trip to Chiswick Pier. Coach Steve got out of his canoe and handed it over to Victor for the return trip. Victor gallantly took up the challenge and we paddled together all the way back to the club. We were a little slower than the rest of the club, in fact they had all left before we had returned, only Dean remained running repairs on is own canoe.

We were so late back Sarah D headed back out to met us on the water. We had just passed Dove Pier and were making progress. Victor by then was feeling the knees and ankles, but stuck to the job.

We three passed down the inside of Chiswick Eyot stopping briefly to chat to a boat owner before a ferry glide across the river to the get off.
Victor and Sarah D helped me put the boats away, in fact Sarah D now lean’t how to tie a new knot, so another positive.

With kit put away Victor told me he was waking home as he had a gardening to do. All I had to do was drive home and find a parking space.

A jolly paddle in lovely weather with an even nicer group of people.

Think positively, things are improving.
Best wishes and keep safe and well

I believe David Cleverly took some and they are up on his Facebook page.


Weekly Newsletter News

The club has decided that the club web site is a more appropriate repository for these bloggs. As such there will be less club news and just trip news, eventually this newsletter will cease, but not for a couple of weeks yet.

Going forwards Club News will be covered on the club web site.
 There are various other coach related trips going on whilst the river is quite. These are completed at the discretion of that specific coach.

That’s all for this week’s newsletter. Next week we may have more news about what is possible and what isn’t!

As I said at the beginning, we are trialing members only paddle. We are experimenting how we can make it work for our club members. Even as a club member you still need to contact Sarah Deeks to establish your place, otherwise you won’t be allowed out.

Stay safe and keep well
Best wishes

Equipment Required

Liz Dodgson wondered of anyone had a second hand life jacket for sale?
Size 10 /12 or a Ladies Medium

Contact Liz @ www.ATteacher.co.ukLatest Covid news

Do You Have Any Spare Bedlinen?

They are being made into scrubs for the NHS. Details here: https://chiswickcanoeclub.co.uk/2020/06/scrubs-for-the-nhs/